VILLAGE OF KINGS POINT VILLAGE ELECTION JUNE 15, 2021 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Village Election for the Village of Kings Point will be held at the Kings Point Village Hall, 32 Steppingstone Lane, Kings Point, New York 11024 on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m. The names and addresses of those who have been duly nominated and the offices for which they have been nominated are as follows: TAXPAYERS PARTY OFFICE TERM NOMINEE ADDRESS_______ Trustee Two (2) Years Hooshang Nematzadeh 42A Pond Road Kings Point, NY Trustee Two (2) Years Kouros Torkan 35 Tideway Street Kings Point, NY Trustee Two (1) Year Ira S. Nesenoff 3 Henhawk Road Kings Point, NY Village Justice Four (4) Years Randa Maher 9 Cypress Road Kings Point, NY BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF KINGS POINT Gomie PersaudVillage Clerk-TreasurerDated: May 14, 2021Village of Kings Point AVISO LEGALVILLA DE KINGS POINTELECCI”N DE LA VILLA, 15 DE JUNIO DE 2021 SE NOTIFICA que la elecciÛn anual de la Villa correspondiente a la Villa de Kings Point se realizar· en Kings Point Village Hall, 32 Steppingstone Lane, Kings Point, New York 11024 el martes 15 de junio de 2021, entre las 12:00 del mediodÌa y las 9:00 p. m. Los siguientes son los nombres y las direcciones de aquellos que han sido debidamente nominados, asÌ como los cargos para los que han sido nominados: PARTIDO DE LOS CONTRIBUYENTES CARGO DURACI”N NOMINADO DIRECCI”N Fideicomisario dos (2) aÒos Hooshang Nematzadeh 42A Pond Road Kings Point, NY Fideicomisario dos (2) aÒos Kouros Torkan 35 Tideway Street Kings Point, NY Fideicomisario un (1) aÒo Ira S. Nesenoff 3 Henhawk Road Kings Point, NY Juez de la ciudad cuatro (4) aÒos Randa Maher 9 Cypress Road Kings Point, NY POR ORDEN DEL ALCALDE Y LA JUNTA DE FIDEICOMISARIOS DE LA VILLA DE KINGS POINT Gomie PersaudSecretario-tesorero de la Villa Fecha: 14 de mayo de 2021