This past weekend’s annual New Hyde Park Fire Department Installation Dinner was quite an eventful one!
My family and I truly enjoyed both the dinner and dancing – as we too had much to celebrate.
However, Department Chief, Mr. Steven Waldron’s inaugural speech, witnessed by department members, their invited guests, and public officials alike was truly appalling.
Most notably, the chief specifically stated that these past two years, board meetings have become, and I quote, “a circus” and there has been a bunch of (and I quote again) “bulls–t” that the district has dealt with.
I couldn’t agree with Chief Waldron more.
The “B.S.” has continued well after the false arrest and dismissal of charges against Commissioner Dolan and his firefighter son Michael, both decorated war veterans.
My engagement of the political process began when my eyes were opened to how certain fire district commissioners used trumped up charges to exercise what limited political weight they have.
In essence, because Commissioner Dolan, a well-respected former Nassau County fire commissioner who has tirelessly served the residents of Nassau County and New Hyde Park for forty-seven years, did not “play ball” on certain initiatives meant to drum up support for the election of certain commissioners, he was targeted with false charges of criminal activity and he and his son had their names dragged through the preverbal mud for no good reason.
My personal presence at the open meetings for the fire district began with particular concern over how Commissioner Dolan, my father, was being treated, but has evolved into so much more.
Over the past year, I have uncovered that meeting minutes from open board meetings reflected votes that did not take place during open public board meetings.
Specifically, the meeting minutes for the board meeting held on April 16, 2013, which miraculously contained a four-paragraph, detailed motion, which never actually took place during the meeting and which was never formally voted on. This vote even showed Commissioner Dolan voting in favor for something he actually opposed.
After raising this with the board, the board, kicking and screaming, agreed with my findings and rescinded the motion.
Since then, exposure of “B.S.” from the Board, and even from certain Enterprise Engine Co. members, where Department Chief Waldron is also a company chief, has failed to cease.
This is why I continue to attend these meetings.
I encourage New Hyde Park Fire District residents to appear at these meetings and ask questions.
Come to the bi-monthly meetings and hold the board accountable for the budgetary and other actions which they undertake.
Be proactive in your local government because you will be surprised to see what you find. And as for Chief Waldron’s appalling and self-serving remarks, I agree with you, there has been a bunch of “B.S.” over the past two years, but my recollection, however, is that it has been truly for five years.
Unfortunately, it has come from you and from the cronies that run the New Hyde Park Fire District.
Deirdre Dolan
New Hyde Park