North Hempstead town officials are eying a possible revision to the town code that could allow the town to auction abandoned ATVs and cars online, according to a town press release.
The proposed law would “allow auctions of personal property to occur via the internet” and “clarify the notice provisions to be compiled with prior to an auction,” according to a resolution setting the public hearing date for April 17, 2018.
“…The leaving, abandonment and/or discarding of personal property in public places within the Town is adverse to the public welfare of the inhabitants of the Town and injurious to the personal and property rights of such inhabitants,” the town code reads.
The town code regarding the disposal of abandoned personal property was last amended more than 30 years ago in 1984. While it allows for the Highway Department to auction off abandoned motor vehicles at a “public auction,” there is currently no clear allowance for such to be done online.
The Superintendent of Highways, under town code, may remove property abandoned in a public place within the town and take it to a relevant town facility. Notice of removal will then be given to the owner, provided identifying information is available.
After 14 days, the town reserves the right to sell off abandoned personal property in a public auction.