Statement from the Village of Thomaston

The Island Now

This announcement is made in regard to the matter of the application of 124 Middle Neck Realty, LLC for an incentive zoning permit, with respect to which a public hearing presently is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2021 at 7:30 pm.

In order to facilitate public participation at the hearing, and to do so in a safe manner during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the public hearing scheduled to be held Sept. 14, 2021 at the Village of North Hills Village Hall is adjourned without date. On Sept. 1, 2021, the New York State Legislature enacted a law which allows villages once again to conduct public meetings and hearings virtually.

The Village is currently giving consideration to holding the rescheduled public hearing via Zoom. However, there is insufficient time to provide the notices which are required by law for a public hearing via Zoom on Sept. 14, 2021 or any other date.

Once a decision has been made as to the manner in which the public hearing will proceed, notices of the new date, time and location of, and access to, the public hearing will be published, posted and otherwise noticed as required by law. Notice also will be posted on the Village of Thomaston website at

Please be aware that compliance with statutory requirements for the Village’s review of the incentive zoning permit application will be an ongoing process, and will include multiple public hearings at which all interested parties will have an opportunity to be heard.

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