Patty Katz, a fellow graduate of Great Neck North, has been a friend of mine for over 40 years.
I have seen her throughout her life live with integrity, leadership, compassion and organizational skills that have led me to support her in her upcoming re-election as the commissioner of the Great Neck Water Pollution Control District.
For decades, she has been an avid supporter of environmental issues and has devoted numerous amounts of community service for the betterment of Great Neck residents.
As a commissioner at the Great Neck Water Pollution Control District, she continues to exercise her skillsets to continue its mission to protect our bay and the environment.
This year she gave an inspiring presentation at my synagogue illustrating all of the upgrades to the treatment plant and explained how the GNWPCD recently won the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s 2018 Environmental Excellence Award.
Her commitment and passion for her district make it clear to me she is worthy of this position.
Please vote for Patty Katz on Dec. 10 for GNWPCD commissioner.
Cindy Hodkin
Great Neck