I really, really dislike the party ‘boss,’ old smoke-filled room of machine politics. For starters, Jay Jacobs’ record is spotty at best. Most recently, he was characterized as one of the ‘losers’ of the 2020 elections by several news outlets.
Even before that, I accuse him of grandstanding the night of the ‘two Laura’ victories (Curran & Gillen) but never mentioning Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth’s 65 percent plurality re-election in North Hempstead.
Then, when both Curran and Gillen made missteps, where was his guidance. Can you say ‘frontrunner’?
Jacobs must bear responsibility for Gerard Terry, Jon Kaiman, one could include Sheldon Silver because Jacobs is ‘tight’ with Gov. Cuomo.
My main concern about Jacobs rushing to ‘anoint’ Ryan Cronin is the stifling of new talent. Why not a 30 or 60 day period for candidates to make their case? Why not encourage new talent?
The ‘negatives’ Cronin has already accrued is daunting and appalling. Two election losses to Sen. Kemp Hannon calls into question if Cronin is a below-average campaigner.
Next, Curran bestowed a patronage appointment for Cronin to NuHealth, a public benefit corporation that runs Nassau University Medical Center, already acknowledged as a pigsty of bloated six-figure salaries given to the ‘connected.’
What did Cronin do at his first trustee meeting? Abstained from voting on a four-year labor agreement bestowing a total raise of 8 percent which exacerbated the already big deficits of NUMC. The Nassau Interim Finance Authority criticized this agreement.
I call on all qualified candidates to toss their hat in the ring, including Republicans because I do not like the ‘shadow’ government of Jacobs, Steve Markowitz, ‘super delegates’ all.
Steven M Walk
Great Neck