PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held as to the following matter:
Agency: Board of Appeals -Village of Thomaston
Date: August 19, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Village Hall, 100 East Shore Road, Thomaston, New York
Subject 21-06: Application of David Yamins, 180 Schenck Avenue, Thomaston, New York, to install a generator in one of two proposed locations, which proposals each require variances of Village Code ß203-119(D)(1), which provides that a generator shall be located in a rear yard as close to the rear building wall as feasible, while providing sufficient clearance to comply with all applicable building and other safety codes and manufacturer requirements, subject to rear and setback requirements. Proposed generator location #1 is (a) located 11 feet from the rear wall of the dwelling, where the manufacturer requirements and the New York State Code provide for a minimum distance of 1.5 feet to the rear wall, and (b) setback from the side property line 5 feet, where 10 feet is required. Proposed generator location #2 is located (a) 5 feet from the rear wall of the dwelling, where the manufacturer requirements and the New York State Code provide for a minimum distance of 1.5 feet to the rear wall, and (b) in a front yard. Premises are designated as Section 2, Block 255, Lots 46-50 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.
At the said time and place, all interested persons may be heard with respect to the foregoing matter.
This application is a Type II Matter under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which requires no environmental review.
Any person having a disability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should notify the Village Clerk at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reasonable efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and participation.
All relevant documents may be inspected at the office of the Village Clerk, 100 East Shore Road, Thomaston, New York, during regular business hours.
Dated: July 27, 2021