PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Commissioners of the Belgrave Water Pollution Control District will conduct a Public Hearing at Belgrave Water Pollution Control District, 34-01 255th Street, Little Neck NY 11363, to consider the proposed annual budget and related assessment roll of the District for the year 2020, on Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Chester Steban, Superintendent, 34-01 255th Street, Little Neck, New York 11363, or by telephone (516) 487-2759, in sufficient time to permit arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.
Copies of a draft of the proposed budget and related assessment roll are available at the District office at 34-01 255th Street, Little Neck, New York 11363.
Board of Commissioners,
Belgrave Water Pollution
Control District
Brian J. Levings
Francis A. Bridges
James M. Pitzer
GNN #151719
1x 8/16/2019 #151719