NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING INC. VILLAGE OF FLORAL PARK, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park, will hold a public hearing at Village Hall, One Floral Boulevard Floral Park, NY (seating is limited, face masks are required when entering the building) on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. relative to the following application:Application of Jorge Puente, owner of 71 Raff Avenue, Floral Park, NY 11001 for a variance from Chapter 99-6 Schedule of Regulations: 5 feet minimum side yard and 15 feet minimum aggregate is required. Applicant proposes to construct a second-floor addition resulting in a 3.28’ side yard; andChapter 99-6 Schedule of Regulations: 30% Maximum Building Coverage. Applicant’s proposed addition will result in a 37% lot coverage; and Chapter 99-21 A (1): The front yard on a corner lot when there is an existing building on the contiguous interior lot fronting the same street need not have a depth greater than that of the front yard on such contiguous lots. Applicant proposes to construct a front vestibule/portico resulting in a 15.13’ front yard setback. Average front yard setback is 24.7’; andChapter 99-21 E (4): Cover over front steps only (not over a porch or other place or area), provided that such cover shall conform in architecture and in material to the existing building and further provided that said cover shall not project laterally beyond the maximum extent of the top of the existing front steps and in no event shall extend more than four feet from the face of the building, nor be greater than six feet in width. Applicant’s proposed portico is 8.5’ wide therefore not an allowable encroachment.This application is made subject to the provisions of Article IX, Section 99-61, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park.The property which said variance is applied for is located at the southeast intersection of Raff Avenue and Oak Street on the east side of Raff Avenue and known as 71 Raff Avenue, Section 32, Block 277, Lot(s) 62 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map.A copy of the application is on file in the Public Works/Building Department facility located at the foot of Stewart Street in the Village of Floral Park and may be examined by any persons interested therein during business hours, Monday through Friday, inclusive, except legal holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. NOW TAKE NOTICE, that all parties in interest and citizens will be given the opportunity to be heard at the aforesaid time and place.BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF FLORAL PARK, NY Lucille Langone, Zoning Board Clerk Dated: October 2020