Regrettably, I have to admit that although we believe that the vote is a privilege we are fortunate to enjoy in this country, many voters have become so cynical about using the power of the vote to effect change that they do not exercise it.
I fervently believe that politicians would do what we want if we voted in great numbers.
Election Day is upon us, providing taxpayers with the opportunity to do something about the way the Republican Party has been managing our money in Nassau County.
In the Oct. 23 Courier, we were told that for many years Republicans have used taxpayer money for political purposes.
They falsely claimed that there was no increase in county taxes in 2015 in a mailer that was paid for by public money.
But, In actual fact, taxes increased 3.4 percent.
So in one instance, Republicans proved two points. The State Comptroller is expected to make a ruling on this abuse.
This is only the most recent evidence of Republican financial mismanagement.
It is so serious that the county has been under Ssate supervision by the Nassau Interim Finance Authority (NIFA] for 15 years because of much evidence of such problems. Indeed, a deficit in 2015 is projected at $48 million.
NIFA officials have already noted that some of the projected revenue sources are insufficient and/or speculative.
Some recent events strengthen the impression that there is much to correct. Democratic county legislators met to consider how to protect the county’s contract system from corruption and abuse. Republicans were absent when the Democrats, who are a minority in the legislature, discussed reform measures.
The contracting process badly needs attention, yet the Republican leader characterized the meeting as “a political rally”.
Do we remember the recent school speed zone contract fiasco? How much thought went into this contract, which was labeled as a bald attempt to raise revenue, causing a huge outcry and inconvenience?
Ultimately, will we ever find out what it achieved and what the true cost was?
As voters, we have the power to show displeasure rejecting reelection of those who voted for that mistake.
And we have the opportunity to elect Madeline Singas, a truly qualified candidate for District Attorney.
She has the proper credentials and experience as a prosecutor and is ready to serve from the first day. Her campaign is supported by a large group of private supporters as well as many former DAs.
Kate Murray, however, is a veteran politician.
Although she has a law degree, she has no prosecutorial experience.
Murray offers as her experience some work on civil cases. Republican Party coffers are paying for Murray’s campaign.
We cannot afford to allow her to “practice” being a prosecutor while the county has immediate need for someone much better qualified for the position of District Attorney.
Voters really can make a difference by going to the polls on Election Day.
Esther Confino
New Hyde Park