Reader’s Write: Hate-mongering wrong response to radical Islam

The Island Now

I was really delighted to read your editorial in the April 26 edition, “No threat to free speech here.” 

How true your words were. There is no doubt that Pamela Geller is a hate-monger and one of the leading anti-Islamists. 

I am not a friend of Islam nor their followers, neither moderate Muslims (if such a thing exists) nor the radicals whom I would take pleasure in seeing en route to their virginal paradise.

It was a disgrace that Jewish houses of worship even considered inviting her to speak. The Christian clergy had better sense. 

There is a proverb in my country “from a foul thing, keep a big distance.” 

Geller has the right to spout her prejudices just as the KKK and neo-Nazis do, but never in God’s house nor among decent people. Words that lead to incitement must always be forbidden. One does not cry “fire” in a crowded place. Free speech must have decent limits.

Great Neck is an unusual community of liberals and leftists, right wingers and left wingers. 

They can live side by side but they bark at each other like the wild desert dogs who live in my country. Barking can be a nuisance. Biting is much worse.

Those who are happier living under Sharia law should remove themselves to the backward lands which are governed by those laws. Like Australia and Canada, which have had the courage to outlaw such proposals, America must strive harder to maintain its Judeo-Christian foundations.

Americans are too naive. They do not know the dangers of Islam because they have not lived among Muslims. 

Those of us, like me who have, understand that wild dogs must be put down before they infect the population. 

Free speech is vital. Hate-mongering is destructive. 

As your concluding lines read, “Geller is free to speak wherever she wants.” The critics of her hate-filled message are free to criticize her..


C. Pachzanit 

Great Neck Plaza 

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