In all of my many years I have never witnessed such a weird presidential candidate race.
Is it real? What is going on ?
I cannot believe that the two current leaders, Trump and Carson, would ever be elected president.
One scares me because he can’t keep his mouth shut and the other because he believes that God created the earth in six days.
Surely the public would never actually cast a vote for either of these candidates. I have to believe that.
Also it is my belief that pol results are actually the publics way of expressing their outrage at the way our government has been run.
Congress and politicians in general have the lowest public approval ratings ever recorded.
Politicians no longer, seem to have the interest of their constituents foremost but rather in their own selfish concerns such as getting elected to a cushy job with outrageous perks.
Promises made during election campaigns are quickly forgotten. The public recognizes this as never before.
What compounds the search for a respectable presidential candidate is that even the candidates, and there are a few, who are in my opinion of presidential caliber unfortunately are caught up in the general distrust of politicians.
So pervasive is this distrust that it is difficult for anyone to rise above the disarray.
Unfortunately I see no easy solution to the Republican debacle.
They have to hope that some outstanding outsider emerges.
Meanwhile the Democrats, who also have their own “politician problems”, must be euphoric watching this Republican circus implode as it takes the heat off of them for the moment at least.
Theodore Theodorsen