Roslyn Village Gallery is hosting an exhibit this weekend featuring paintings by two artists on the autism spectrum, the second year in a row that gallery owner Marsha Tarlow will be presenting the show.
The featured artists, Alec Leto and Alexa Krevatas, are representative of painters who use their art to communicate, Tarlow said, and the reason she named the exhibit “When words are not enough.”
“Being an artist changes the way you look at the world,” Tarlow said. “Art gives these young people with autism a voice to express themselves.”
The artists earn half of the proceeds while the other half will be donated to Life’s WORC, an organization that supports people with autism and developmental disabilities on Long Island and in Queens. Last year, the exhibit made more than $12,000, Tarlow said.
Tarlow, an artist herself, said she was inspired to create the exhibit when she first saw Leto’s work.
“He showed me a self portrait he did of himself and I was just blown away,” she said.
The autism exhibits are not the only one Tarlow has used as fund-raisers. She also raised money for cancer initiatives in honor of two artists she knows with the disease.
Roslyn Village Gallery also hosts art classes for both children and adults.
“When words are not enough” will be open on Friday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Art that is not sold will remain available for purchase in the gallery for several weeks, Tarlow said.